

Cirebon mask dance

This art is original art Cirebon area, including Indramayu, Jatibarang, Sejong, and Bradford. Called mask dance, as dancers use masks when dancing. The mask dance yourself a lot of variety, and experienced growth in terms of movement, and story to be conveyed. Sometimes the mask dance performed by a solo dancer dances, or it could be played by several people.

The Mask Dance art still exist learned in dance studios are there, and are still frequently performed at formal occasions region, or in other areas of traditional moments.
One mask dance maestro is Mimi Rasinah, active dancing and teaches art at the Mask Dance Mask Dance studio located in Rasinah Mimi Pekandangan village, Indramayu, Indramayu. Since 2006 Mimi Rasinah paralyzed, but he was still eager to berpentas, dance and teach dance mask until his death, Mimi Rasinah died in August 2010 at the age of 80 years.


Peacock Dance

Peacock Dance

This dance usually danced in unison, usually three dancers or it could be more, each of which has a function as a female and her young.
Gendingnya accompaniment track is a song usually Ucul Tigers. In particular motion scenes sometimes waditra bonang hit in the wood very hard to sound hard, it is a part of the movement that was making a pair of peacocks.
Of the many dances created by Raden Tjetje Somantri, possibly peacock dance is a famous dance in Indonesia and abroad

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